Sunday, April 11, 2010

Texas Frightmare Weekend - Dallas

I was asked over the weekend by my UPS friend what is the Frightmare thing? Texas Frightmare Weekend is the Premier Horror Convention. There are going to celebrity guests, film screenings, panel discussions and let us not skip my personal favorite ZOMBIES !!! Can you honestly say that life would be fun without some walking dead shambling around mumbling "Brainzzzz" while groping for you covered in black ooze. This is the first time I will be going to Frightmare but I have planned on attending all three days. Also, on Saturday night, at the Sheraton on May 1st, 2010 RADFX will be showing our very own teaser for Dirt Nap. I am so freaking nervous it makes my stomach churn. But if I can somehow get the chance to meet George Romero or John Carpenter it will be worth it. If any of you are going to Frightmare Weekend then I suggest you stop by the Dirt Nap hotel room for a drink and give us your support. You never know, one day you may be sitting in theater saying to yourself, "I knew that guy when ..."


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