Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's Here, It's Huge, It's all mine, mine, mine.

Fifteen days and counting till the Dirt Nap party. I feel the wheels of change beginning to roll.

The first huge, gigantic, enormous, Panasonic AG-HPX500PJ camera arrived and so did the bag and mounting plate. OK, I might be exaggerating a little as it is the same size as the old 300 model but this one can hold FOUR, count that four P2 cards in this bad boy. And you know what that means? It means that we can shoot everything and then choose the best shot out of all the footage. I must say that assembling the camera then slapping on the battery pack and putting the whole thing in the bag is very nice. I was hoping that I would not have to haul around a cardboard box and then at the site whip out said box and set everything up. Just a little more patience is required on my part to get the rest of the 'better gear.'

Arlo is busy creating the opening and end of our Dirt Nap project. I took a look and it makes perfect sense to me. Dirt, grass, more dirt, are we seeing a pattern here? To head off something before it starts; I was pitching the film to a local tattoo shop. I get through my thirty seconds and the guy looks at me and asks if this is one of those art films where a pile of dirt is filmed or watching grass grow? No, it is not. This film is straight out of my imagination based on a short story. It has all the classic elements that make a film interesting. We have the good guy who is the main character, the enemy, a peak into the characters life, anger, a close call and revenge. Now who would not give fifteen minutes to check this out? I promise, this has never been seen before.


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