Sunday, March 21, 2010

Texas Frightmare Weekend

Just to share some news that the twitter site mentioned. Texas Frightmare Weekend is on April 30th through May 2nd. Both myself and Arlo will be there. But the really cool thing is that there is a Zombie Walk occuring on May 1st. We have setup a nice little filming appointment so we can document this event and share it with ya'll. Then later that night at Sheraton Hotel the official 'Dirt Nap' mixer will be thrown by us. The reason for this is to get our name out there in the film industry, show the 'Dirt Nap' teaser once it is complete and of course, beg for donations. More details will be shared as the time gets closer.


1 comment:

vck said...

I'm pretty sure Conestoga has a short films contest every year.

I don't think they have a contest but they do show films at SoonerCon.